
Startup Team Fundraising

A truly community-driven token financing paradigm

The first Fair and Free Launch standard on the EVM, inspired by the inscription.

FFLaunch combines OutrunDao's other two products, "Outstake" and "Outswap," leveraging their strengths to create the fairest token issuance method in history.

Users can mint tokens by staking and locking native yield tokens. The UPT generated from staking these native yield tokens will be paired with a reserved portion of tokens in the contract to provide liquidity on the Outrun AMM. The LP tokens will be locked for a certain period, and users will receive YT tokens in return for staking and locking their native yield tokens. Once the lock period expires, users can withdraw their LP tokens, which consist of their UPT and the reserved tokens. This effectively allows users to obtain these tokens for free while continuously participating in the overall liquidity-building process of the project.

For the project team, the funds they raise come from the trading fees collected by the trading pairs during the LP lockup period.With the core fundamental requirements mentioned above, we also provide customizable callee interfaces for project teams to support the flexibility of FFLaunch. This allows project teams to build their own unique launch logic on top of the Fair And Free foundation.

Not everything has a fixed price

Compared to traditional ICOs or IDOs, the FFLaunch model is fairer and more investor-friendly. Investors can obtain the project's tokens for free, while also preventing the project team from conducting rug pulls or abandoning further development of the product after raising a large amount of funds, as is common in traditional IDOs. To raise further funds, project teams must continuously iterate on products during the LP lock-up period, encouraging users to trade their tokens. This facilitates sustained growth in cash flow.

Furthermore, the FFLaunch model fosters community-driven liquidity. Since tokens are essentially obtained for free, this encourages more liquidity to be pooled, thereby increasing the depth of the liquidity pool. This is crucial for a newly launched project.

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