Impact of Memeverse on the Outrun Ecosystem

Impact on TVL of the Outrun Ecosystem

In this aspect, Memeverse has a similar impact on the Outrun ecosystem as FFLaunch, but to an even greater extent, due to the higher activity in Memecoin trading. With the presence of the Memeverse Reserve Fund and the permanent locking of a portion of liquidity, the circulation of UPT will be significantly lower than the amount of staked native yield tokens.

The increasing demand for UPT combined with reduced circulation will lead to a price increase, which in turn attracts more people to stake native yield tokens for arbitrage. The dual growth flywheel created by UPT and YT will result in a continuously increasing amount of native yield tokens staked. This scenario represents the dream vision for LSD protocols like Lido.

Use Cases for LST and User Habits

Memecoins have the potential to bring a large number of users into DeFi, fostering the habit of using LST (UPT) among them. This represents the dream scenario for many project teams dissatisfied with Memecoins, as they often struggle to find ways to integrate Memecoins with traditional DeFi.

Moreover, traditional DeFi investors often shy away from the perceived risks associated with Memecoins. However, Memeverse provides an opportunity to invest in Memecoins with extremely low and manageable risk. This opens a stable, bidirectional channel between DeFi and Memecoin users, allowing for mutual conversion.

Overall, Memeverse, through its innovative issuance model, staking yield mechanism, economic support measures, and community-driven force, offers new perspectives and solutions for the development of Memecoins. These advantages not only help enhance Memecoins' market competitiveness but also promote the industry toward greater transparency, security, and sustainability.

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