Risk-Free LaunchPad

We can proudly proclaim that we are the first "Risk-Free" LaunchPad in history. For participating users, the risk is extremely low, and they can obtain a risk-free return similar to that of government bonds. Why can we say this?

FFLaunch is renowned for its fairness and zero-cost approach, complemented by the Outstake and Outrun AMM integration to form a closed loop. Users can obtain a portion of project tokens immediately by staking and locking Native Yield Token, rather than purchasing directly. Investors still benefit from native yields generated by staked assets. The minted UPT from staking are paired with another portion of project tokens on the Outrun AMM, where liquidity is added with a fee rate of 1%. LP tokens are locked in the FFLauncher contract and corresponding tradable liquidity proof tokens are minted.

During the LP lock period, the fees generated from the trading pair accrue to the project team, which can be claimed by invoking the FFLauncher contract. Upon expiration of the LP lock, investors can withdraw their locked LP by burning the liquidity proof tokens (or sell them earlier if preferred). For investors, this equates to acquiring project tokens at no cost, while the project team gains continuous revenue flow.

New tokens cannot be released during the liquidity lock period

Under our audit of the token smart contract, all projects launched on FFLaunch cannot mint or release new tokens during the LP locking period. New tokens can only be released one week after the lock period ends. This means that even if no new buyers purchase the tokens and all investors participating in FFLaunch sell all their tokens after receiving them, within this closed system with no new tokens added, when the LP lock period expires, investors will regain the tokens they sold. FFLaunch can completely prevent Rug Pulls and allow investors to receive these tokens for free.

A win-win situation for Web3 users and project teams

In this "Risk-Free" scenario, the participation funds will exceed those of ordinary LaunchPads. The tokens will receive ample liquidity support and market attention, and the project team will earn sufficient fee income, achieving a win-win situation. This is the true primary market, not those fake IDOs. This is the true essence of Web3!!!

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