
Users receive native yield assets (yield-bearing assets) when they deposit funds into a yield-source. For example, BNB staked in Lista is represented as slisBNB. ETH staked in StakeStone is represented as Stone.

slisBNB and Stone are examples of native yield tokens.

In OutStake, native yield tokens can be split into three parts: Principal Token (UPT), Yield Token (YT), and Position Option Token (POT). UPT represents the principal portion of the underlying native yield token, YT represents the rights to all interest earnings from that asset, and POT represents the position’s redemption rights upon maturity. UPT, YT, and POT can all be traded within the Outrun ecosystem.

Users can stake native yield assets (e.g., stETH) in OutStake to mint UPT, YT, and POT. The native assets (e.g., ETH) will automatically convert to yield-bearing assets before staking.

For example: ETH → stETH → SY-stETH → (UPT-stETH + YT-stETH + POT-stETH).

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